Open An Account Today
Don’t Just Save Your Money. Grow It.
Business Checking
1.00% APY
Earn 1.00% APY when you open a NewtekOne Checking account7.
Unlimited Transactions, No Fees
Keep your business running with unlimited transactions at no additional costs.
Personal High Yield Savings
4.45% APY2
Give your savings a boost with a rate that is over 10x the National Average3.
No Minimum Balance
Open an account in as little as 2 minutes with no minimum deposit required.
Business Money Market Account
3.50% APY
Earn more with a rate of 3.50% APY with a business Money Market Account2.
No Hidden Fees
No service charges or monthly fees.
Business High Yield CDs4
Guaranteed Return
Lock in a fixed rate and earn more on your funds.
Flexible Terms from 3 to 60 Months
Choose from a variety of terms to find one that works for your business needs.